地址:104 台北市中山區松江路116號
Address: No. 116, Songjiang Rd., Zhongshan Dist.,Taipei City 104, Taiwan, R.O.C. T +886 2 6600 8000.F +886 2 6600
寫email 到以下信箱 — rsvn@humbleboutique.com.tw 取得優惠房價並申請訂房。
主旨:Inside Yoga Studio 學員訂房
Step 1: 學員身份認證:提供報名確認郵件或活動群組成員資料,或是學分證書表格填寫表單。
Step 2: 提供「基本資料」(姓名、電話以及護照號碼)以及想要的「預定房型」(房間+單人大床或雙床房),飯店將會將優惠資訊email給您。
Procedure of room reservation
Email to: rsvn@humbleboutique.com.tw to get the discount price.
Email subject : Room reservation of client of Inside Yoga Studio
Identity : Please provide registration details of Inside Yoga Studio. (Ex. Confirmed email of event application.)
Personal detail : name, contact number, and number of passport
Type of room : name of room, single or twin. (NOTE: Cannot change after receiving confirmation )
房型介紹 ROOM
26 Square Meters 平方公尺 / 原價TWD12,000
Calming décor with wood pattern and green leather under the natural light from the floor to ceiling window, along with bedding that is both comfortable and practical; the room is a safe haven for guests to relax in.
鄰鴞客房 DELUXE ROOM (可做雙床房)(single/ twin)
31 Square Meters 平方公尺 / 原價WD15,000
With soothing lighting coupled with wooden texture design, and comfortable beds side by side, both business and leisure travelers will feel at home.
隱鴞客房 CORNER ROOM (可做雙床房)(single/ twin)
35 Square Meters 平方公尺 / 原價TWD18,000
In the secluded cozy space and natural light, guests can leave the hustle and bustle of the city behind and enjoy true tranquility.
隅鴞客房 CORNER LOFT ROOM (可做雙床房)(single/ twin)
37 Square Meters 平方公尺 / 原價TWD20,000
Tucked away in the corner, the room has two floor to ceiling windows that will take in the view of the city. The crisp light combined with sophisticated interior design creates a peaceful space for guests.
蒸氣室及烤箱 / SAUNA
捷運/ 公車/ 機場
捷運:請搭乘中和新蘆線或松山新店線至松江南京站,由2號出口左轉步行1分 鐘內即可抵達。
公車:捷運松江南京站 109、203、214、214(直)、222、226、280、280(直)、41、49、505、643、676、680、72、基隆->台北(單迴路線)、松江新生幹線
桃園機場-寒居酒店(約45公里):機場捷運(約1小時) 自桃園機場航廈站搭乘桃園機場捷運至北門站,轉乘松山新店線至松江南京站。
松山機場-寒居酒店(約3.5公里):計程車(路程約10分鐘) 自敦化北路離開松山機場,敦化北路直行至民生東路口,右轉接民生東 路三段,行駛至民生東路二段至松江路口,前行後左轉接松江路,前行 至松江路116號,寒居酒店即位於您的右手邊。
MRT: MRT ZhongHe XinLu Line and SongShan XinDian Line. Take Zhonghe-Xinlu line or Songshan-Xindian Line to Songjiang-Nanjing station, leave the station through Exit No. 2 then turn left, walk for one minute.
BUS: Bus Stop- MRT Songjiang Nanjing StationBus Stop- MRT Songjiang Nanjing Station 109、203、214、214(直)、222、226、280、280(直)、41、49、505、 643、676、680、72、基隆->台北(單迴路線)、松江新生幹線
Taoyuan International Airport – Humble Boutique Hotel (Above 45 kilometers away) – By MRT (About 60 minutes) – Take the Taoyuan Airport MRT from the airport terminal station to Beimen and transfer the green line of Taipei MRT to Songjiang-Nanjing station.
Songshan Airport – Humble Boutique Hotel (Above 3.5 kilometers away) – By Taxi (10 minutes) – Leave the Songshan Airport through Dunhua North Road, keep on Dunhua North Road until Minshen East Road, turn right at Minsheng East Road, Section 3, keep going on Minsheng East Road Section 2 to Songjiang Road, keep going then turn left on Songjiang Road, Humble Boutique is on your right-hand side at No. 116, Songjiang Road.